Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Book

Friends, it is high time that we pick a new book.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Howl's Moving Castle

So what did everyone think?
What did you feel about the characters, especially Sophie and Howl? did you feel about the book versus the film adaptation?
What else comes to mind?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I know it's been awhile since we finished the beloved "Twilight" series.  However, I saw something amazing and wonderful while in Walgreens and thought perhaps I should buy one.  After all, some of you will be here in June, then we could bring it when we come for the family reunion in July.


Product Description

From the Manufacturer
Enter the world of Twilight the game! The more you know about Twilight, the greater your chance of winning. Answer questions about Twilight, and about your friends to earn Scene cards and move forward around the board. If you are the first to travel the entire board and collect all 8 Scene win! 

Product Description
When You Live Forever, What Do You Live For? 

Enter the mysterious world of Edward and Bella, where the more you know about the movie, the better your chances of winning! Answer questions about Twilight to earn scene cards and advance around the board. The first player to complete the trip and collect all 8 scene cards is the winner! 

Includes game board, 57 scene cards, 2 dice, 8 Cullen family crest playing pieces with stands, and scorepad. For 2 to 8 players, ages 8 & up.

Next Book

We have a growing list of possible books. It looks like we have plenty of ideas for the future!

I have heard a few votes for Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones to be our next read. Is this okay with everyone? If there are no naysayers, let's get started!

As for our last book, we still need to have a little discussion about The Kitchen God's Wife. I think we need to plan a night where we get on speakerphone all together, or use Skype. Is there a night that's good for everyone? Maybe Friday?


Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I did a little research on Amy Tan.  A few highlights:

As you might already have guessed, the story told in "The Kitchen God's Wife" is largely based on her mother's experiences.  Daisy was forced to leave three daughters behind when she left China.  She escaped on the last boat to leave Shanghai before the Communist takeover.  

Amy's father was also a Chinese immigrant.  John Tan was an electrical engineer and Baptist minister.  He and Amy's oldest brother died of brain tumors, less than a year apart, when Amy was about 15.  Daisy took her remaining children to Switzerland where Amy graduated from high school before the family returned to San Francisco. 

Amy and Daisy went to China in 1987.  They were able to find at least one of the daughters Daisy had left behind.  It was during this trip that Amy became immersed in her Chinese heritage.  Stories brought back from that journey are the basis of many of her stories.  

You can go to the following website for more information:

Amy Tan's own website is also an interesting place to go for a visit:

Amy Tan is part of a rock band made up of writers called "The Rock Bottom Remainders."  You were probably aware of this.  Other  members include Matt Groening, Dave Barry, Mitch Albom, and Stephen King.  

Something interesting that I didn't know:  Amy Tan suffers from the effects of Lyme Disease.  She recounts this experience on her website.  It's worth reading!

We must have our official book club meeting soon!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Future Reading List

This is where we will keep the list of books for consideration as future reading for the book club! If you have any suggestions we will add them to the list and try to keep it as up to date as possible. Remember, these are just possible suggestions and not necessarily what we have to read next so suggest whatever crazy thing you want!

The list:

-Neil Gaiman-

-William Golding-
Lord of the Flies

-Diana Wynne Jones-
Howl's Moving Castle

-Boris Pasternak-
Doctor Zhivago

This is it so far. Give me suggestions, folks!